September 29, 2013

Very Interesting and Random Stuff

There's been over one thousand page views for "When I Was Fourteen", but - only one comment (my cousin commented privately via email, so really two comments).

I find that odd.

Is it just too shameful or personal to comment on? Too painful?

Frankly, I'm not writing this shit to get comments. Don't get me wrong, I like comments, they are generally affirming and who the heck doesn't like that. But they're not my reason for living.

But obviously that post struck a chord with a LOT of people, because it is my most read post EVER in my tiny three and a bit year history of blogging.


Thursday at Barbell Club, we did deadlifts - my favorite. We worked up to our max weight and did one rep . My max weight was 160 lbs. 

Here's what a deadlift looks like: 


My phone camera has an effect called Posterize; it makes you look like a paint by number painting.
It hides a multitudes of sins. I love it.

Hope your week is good, dear readers.

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