January 12, 2013

100 Years, 3 Months, 1 Day

That's how old my grand aunt Florida was when she died yesterday.

Until the end, she lived in her own home, sandwiched by her daughter on one side and namesake granddaughter on the other.

Her sight was dimmed (she would have to get right up to you to see who you were), but she had all her faculties and got around on her own two feet, using a cane to steady herself.

I can attest to her amazingly strong grip, as she held onto my arm at Mom's funeral and cut off the circulation a little. Heh.

She was a lovely woman.

Rest in peace Aunt Florida. Say hi to everyone for us.

Taken on her 100th birthday


  1. Oh, your grand aunt sounded like one amazing woman, indeed. How wonderful to have lived such a healthy long life when so many are falling apart at 50... may God comfort you at this time, Kim. Blessings, Debra

  2. She is beautiful. I love the young Florida too. Sparrow. Perfect.
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