September 3, 2012

Some Advice, Part Two

This really isn't advice.

Instead these fall under the "Who Knew?" category:

- If your loved one dies in a state they're not being buried in - call the funeral home who is in charge of the arrangements. They in turn contact a local funeral home to collect the body and transport it across state lines. Apparently it's less expensive this way. (We shelled out around $1300 for the transport. Can't imagine how much it would have been otherwise.)
Make sure those instructions and phone numbers are in the file if your parent is in a skilled nursing facility or the like.

- Death Certificates - Some institutions (banks) want a "sanitized" (no cause of death listed) version; order
copies of both sanitized and non-sanitized.  Durham County only issues non-sanitized. Nothing you can do about it.

- Death certificates cost money. (It makes sense when you think about it, so do birth certificates.) I think they were $10 each. It's one more expense tacked on to the funeral cost (the funeral home orders them). (And can I interject right here what a rip off I think the whole funeral business is?)
So when the cable company (!!) wants one to turn off the account - they don't get one - unless they want to pay for it. Some places will record  it and return it if you include a self addressed stamped envelope.

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