May 11, 2014

Here We Are

You know what's hard? Getting all my introverted thoughts (of which there are many, let me assure you) sorted out into some type of coherency and on this blog.

It's like a tornado: cows and houses and wicked witches and bicycles and your little dog too, all swirling around up there. Sigh.

Saw "The Lunchbox". Be still my heart; what a lovely movie. The friend who saw it with me didn't like the ending, but I found the entire thing - stem to stern - absolutely delightful.
It's billed as a romantic comedy, but trust me, it is as far away from the disgusting bullshit saccharine type American rom-coms as can anything can possibly be. Thank god.
Of course, if you like American rom-coms - sorry; don't go see it, you'll hate it. And maybe hate me for recommending it. We can't have that.

I don't have an ending to this post. It's been in the drafts section for weeks. I'm just going to post the damn thing and make up for the month and a half I haven't.

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