June 29, 2012

It's Hot Y'all

I mean it.
104. Tomorrow 105. 
The cats are all wilted over some cool surface - a wood table, the slate hearth, tiled bathroom floor. I'm parked in front and/or under a fan. If I don't exert myself (meaning any old kind of activity) then I'm fine. 

Whenever it gets this hot, I think about women who lived in centuries prior. Having to wear petticoats and slips and long skirts and corsets. Laws. Heaven help you if you were not the rich white lady in the big house who could just sit on the porch all day fanning herself. Because you were working in the fields or the kitchen with all that heat and all those clothes. And sleeping in the top floor of a hot airless house. 

Today let us thank all those people who contributed to the invention of the air conditioner and the microwave.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with "Game of Thrones", a ceiling fan, and a chocolate truffle brownie from Daisy Cakes.

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