Last night in Barbell Club I thought I had one more
Zercher Squat in me. I truly did.
Turns out, I didn't.
A muscle, ligament, tendon, something - lurchedpoppedrolled over the bone at the top of my thigh when I did that one more squat.
Now Paul didn't say do one more - that was all me. ARGH! I FINALLY find the thing I love to do and go and injury myself. So pissed off at myself!
Today I arnica-ed the knot to high heaven using both the oral pellets and the topical gel. It held up during kickboxing tonight; I was very careful not to do squats or lunges (when it hurts the most).
And I am missing my mother today. Missing her as in needing a Kleenex now because I'm crying (again) missing her.
And it's been raining for years.
And yellow jackets are finding my car so interesting for some reason. And you all know how
I feel about them.
And I'm almost a year older.
And I can't get Oscar in a carrier to get his nails clipped, so his hind nails clickclickclick on the floor and it is driving me mad. If I have to call the mobile [expensive] vet, I am going to be very very upset with him.
All first world problems. I am well aware.
There's more, but I don't feel like talking about it here. Not now. Not yet.
If your inclinations run to this, my wounded thigh would be most grateful for a prayer, or a candle lit, or good thoughts thunk.
Good night dear readers.